Subject: Re: Install on a xserve
To: DataZap <>
From: John Klos <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/02/2006 19:47:42
> I hope that someone can help me. I have an xserve G4 1.33. I wanted to put
> larger hard drives in it and from what I read Apple used a very specific
> hard drive in them. The drives that I want to put in them are Maxtor 250
> gig drives. From what I was told this will be ok if I do a fresh install
> and all the drives are same. Of course, I am going to be installing NetBSD
> on it, so it sounds like everything will be ok. Does anyone have any
> experience installing NetBSD on an xserve with this configuration? I would
> like to find out if it will work and if I will run into any issues.
You can use any standard IDE drives in the G4 Xserves. You only really
need to worry about making sure that the drives are the same if you're
using mirroring or striping.
NetBSD should be pretty straightforward on that machine, particularly
since you have a built-in serial port. I can't think of anything on that
machine that isn't already supported.
Good luck, Al!