Subject: Re: PowerBooks that spontaneously power down
To: netbsd-macppc macppc <>
From: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Hilmar_B=F6hm?= <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 11/26/2006 20:10:02
Hi, Michael!
Unfortuantely my powerbook is presently in repair and I'll love trying
this kernel as soon as I get it back (~1 week).
Regards. / Hilmar.
Michael Lorenz wrote:
> Hello,
> if you have a PowerBook that spontaneously powers down during boot
> please try this kernel:
> and see if it does anything funny. It uses a different driver for the
> PMU, ADB and such which currently doesn't do anything about battery
> status but keyboard and trackpad should work fine.
> have fun
> Michael