Subject: Re: iNode issues
To: CVD Groups <>
From: Peter Seebach <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 04/30/2006 22:23:15
In message <>, CVD Grou
ps writes:
>So, I figure I have two options: find a way to reformat/repartition the
>hard drive and do something so that it has more inodes, or reinstall
>NetBSD. I'm fine with the former as there's nothing on the system now
>anyway. I'm not so cool with the latter.
You're probably stuck with something close to the latter, because
repartitioning tends to involve reinstalls. At least for a newbie.
>Or... I could just start deleting stuff. /usr/pkgsrc seems to be the
>big winner in most amount of files, so I suppose I could delete that
>and use pkg_add whenever I wanted something. All I really want is
>Gnustep, Netatalk, TightVNC, and a couple other things. Aside from
>experimentation, I can't think of much I'd use an old 8500 for.
Start by looking at 'df -i'. The question is not just which directories
have the most files; it's which directories *in /* have the most files. On
most NetBSD installs, /usr is a separate partition... But /var sometimes
My solution is to move everything from /var into /usr/var, and create a
symlink pointing /var to /usr/var. Add "critical_filesystems_local=/usr" to
/etc/rc.conf and it should work fine.