Subject: Re: Powerbook G4 Performace
To: None <>
From: Emmanuel Hainry <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 03/09/2006 10:57:58
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On Wed, Mar 08, 2006 at 10:45:28PM -0500, David H. Gutteridge wrote:
> >As the subject aleady tells you, it's the performace i am not really
> >happy with. I am not sure if it's either the console driver or the
> >whole CPU support by the kernel, but somehow the system appears really
> >slow. Not only normal text is scrolling slow over the screen but also
> >extracting packages.
> When you refer to slow scrolling, you're referring to the console, rather=
> an X session, I assume? If so, that's just because OFB_ENABLE_CACHE wasn=
> enabled for your kernel. See this entry in the FAQ for macppc:
> Regarding package extraction, are you saying that the I/O performance is =
> or CPU time is longer than you expect? (Or is this visually related to t=
> general console scrolling issue above?)
My powerbook is quite slow too: the proc does not run as the desired
speed: dmesg says
cpu0: 668.73 MHz, 512KB L2 cache
when the cpu should run twice as fast...
There were messages about this kind of things on this mailing-list
around last september, but my hardware does not seem to match with the
patch proposed...
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