Subject: Mostly Off-topic (Sorry)
To: netbsd-macppc <>
From: Greg Evans <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/29/2006 23:15:05
Just wondering if anyone knows for sure if the "Superdrive" in the
Mac Mini is dual-layer capable? It is a Matshita UJ-845C. I looked
all over the internet and found many references to the same model #
(UJ-845C) in other computers from other Manufacturers as well as
other versions(?) (845B/845D/845S, etc.) and all of them are dual-
layer capable. I also found another reference to the 845C being dual-
layer with a different firmware version than the one that came on the
So I guess the best way to ask my question is: How would I go about
finding out exactly what the real capabilities of this drive are? I
can look with 'drutil' on MacOS X, but it of course tells me no DL
capability. Is there some way to either get "real" specs on the
drive, or perhaps look at the firmware and see if DL is possible and
just turned off? I thought using NetBSD would be ideal for this, but
I have not tried it yet as I am not sure where to start :(
ANy help appreciated