Subject: OT: Recent IE on XP and Apache 1.3
To: None <>
From: Niels S. Eliasen <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/24/2006 11:35:16
Hi guys
This is really off-topic, but I'm trying to get some ideas, cause I'm
pretty clueless with this one......
I have a trusty NetBSD box with Apache 1.3 that serves various web-
sites, and recently I have discovered that "newer" XP boxes with
Internet Explorer does not see one of the site's correctly: http:// ...
Namely all the GIF's are all represented with "red crosses"(ie. gif
file missing), but the funny thing is that all other browsers that i
have tested(various Mozilla's on Solaris, HP-UX, NetBSD, Linux, and
Safari/Mozilla/Camino/Internet Explorer on MacOSX 10.4) all show the
gif-files, and the site shows up correctly.....
Any one with ideas as to what can be the problem and how this can be
remedied ???
Thanks in advance!