Subject: Re: Sharing data across NetBSD and Mac OS X
To: None <>
From: Antoine Reilles <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/15/2006 18:17:07
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On Sun, Jan 15, 2006 at 05:35:48PM +0100, Julio M. Merino Vidal wrote:
> I'm thinking about installing NetBSD (mostly for development
> purposes only) on my iBook, alongside Mac OS X. I would like
> to share NetBSD's src and pkgsrc across the both systems,
> without having to have multiple checkouts of these trees.
Yes, this way, you can share patches easily
> Can Mac OS X read and write to NetBSD's ffs partitions? =20
> This could allow me to simply access the NetBSD filesystem, where
> I'd store src and pkgsrc in /usr, as regular.
> If not, can NetBSD read and write to one of those Apple UFS
> partitions (so that I'd create a shared partition for the sources)?
It can't read ffsv2 partitions, but netbsd can read and write MacOsX UFS
file system. It is even possible to use UFS for netbsd's /
This way, i'm sharing pksrc and src checkouts between MacosX and Netbsd.
You just have to take care at defining WRKOBJDIR, to avoid confusing
netbsd and osx binaries
It is also possible to access HFS partitions from within netbsd with
hfsutils, but not HFS+. This is easy to set up a boot partition for
netbsd, that openfirmware can use
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