Subject: Re: Sound and battery on powerbook
To: None <>
From: Emmanuel Hainry <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/11/2006 13:41:02 said:
> Magnus Henoch said:
>> writes:
>>> I just installed NetBSD-3.0 on a powerbook 12'' (from 2004, not the
>>> latest but the one just before). After some tries, I still cannot
>>> make it play sounds. I have included awacs, ki2c and snapper in the
>>> kernel, but I still get some "device not configured" errors.
>> Did you uncomment "audio* at awacs?" also?
> Yes, I did that. (and also audio* at snapper, but snapper does not
> appear in dmesg, so, I guess awacs is the good driver even if it
> does not work...)
Ok, I finally got it working : after commenting snapper, it works.
(so I have awacs, ki2c, but no snapper)
On this subject, I tried to comment every pcmcia, cardbus cardslot
things, which raises no errors when config-ing the kernel, but
doesn't compile : seems awacs depends on cardbus and cardslot (that
should maybe be documented)
>>> Also, I am afraid that the battery is not well handled.
>> The message "battery ... not configured" in dmesg is harmless. Type
>> "apm" at the prompt, and it should print battery status.
>> Then again, "apm0 ... 0% charged" is bad. Try updating to version
>> 1.26 of src/sys/arch/macppc/dev/pm_direct.c.
> OK, I will try that
It works perfectly, thank you.