Subject: Can't boot 3.0 multi-CD #1 but can boot 3.0 macppc-only CD
To: None <>
From: David H.Gutteridge <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/04/2006 23:00:43
Hi all,
I'd downloaded the ISO for the 3.0 multi-CD #1 and couldn't get it to boot in
OpenFirmware with "boot cd:,\ofwboot.xcf netbsd.macppc", even though that's how
I first installed NetBSD 1.6.1 a few years ago. (The machine in question is a
iBook SE [graphite] clamshell.) I kept eliminating different possibilities (the
checksums were fine, the disc was fine, I could mount and read the disc under
NetBSD, I could see the contents of the disc with the "dir" command in
OpenFirmware, I could boot the install kernel if I copied it onto the hard
drive, I could still boot the 1.6.1 install CD I kept, I tried more than one
disc [one CD-R, one CD-RW]), and nothing worked. I decided to try burning a
copy of the macppc-only disc for 3.0 (on the same CD-RW I'd previously tried
the multi-arch image with), and after I did so it booted fine with the standard
firmware command.
So I'm mentioning this in case anyone else is having trouble booting off the
multi-CD, if so, try the stand-alone one, it might work. All I can say is
I can reliably reproduce a failure to boot off the multi-arch ISO, and the
stand-alone ISO always boots fine.