, <port-macppc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: iMac <wduke@cogeco.ca>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/08/2005 10:52:49
on 12/7/05 3:07 AM, Emil Hessman at ceh@netbsd.se wrote:
> Hello macppc people,
> I am wondering if someone else also has seen the kernel panic caused
> by issuing the command 'shutdown -h now', as described in problem report
> port-macppc/32196? [1].
> [1]: http://archive.netbsd.se/?ml=netbsd-bugs&a=2005-11&m=1526211
> -- ceh
I usually use shutdown -p now to shutdown my machine. Unless I'm using
Linux, then the 'p' must be capitalized. Although, since I've been playing
with my Indy, I've been using the more masculine poweroff command. (Best
Tim Allen impression... argh.. argh...)
As for why shutdown -h now causes a kernel panic, does it really matter?
Is it imperative that you use the -h option as opposed the -p option? Is
this tiny bug breaking your system? Causing instability?
shutdown -p now
Make life easy for yourself: use the options that DO work.