Subject: Re: Booting from CD on a 7300 powermac
To: None <>
From: meika vonsamorzewski <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 11/10/2005 12:53:33
Thanks Michael,
using no partition number (as was suggested) but with
lower case filenames and no version number(opposite to
your Suggestion), works , a bit...
boot scsi-int/sd@3:,\ofwboot.xcf netbsd.macppc
it starts to work, (at least sometimes)
the first time it threws up (on a netbsd 2.0.2 burnt
iso, allowing mac filenames)
loading XCOF
[..] and stops at
>> (, Tue Mar 22 !5:50:28 UTC
no active packageread header
I'd tried it again with various burnt disks, they did
the "unrecognised Client Program formatstate"
but back on the 2.0.2 disk I tried it again, and I saw
the word "congratulations" for a millsecond, screen
goes gray, and then the computer rebooted into mac os
8.5 which was on the first partition..
trying again at Open Firmware, it gets through loading
to different places, with diferent codes coming up.
At least the instructions warn you how hard it is.
--- Michael <> wrote:
> Hello,
> > Now when trying
> > boot scsi-int/sd@3:0,\ofwboot.xcf netbsd.macppc
> > I get a
> > "unrecognised Client Program formatstate not
> valid"
> Omit the partition number, OF will pick the first
> one it understands.
> Capitalization shouldn't matter but I'm not sure
> about buggy and weird
> Apple OF 1.0.5 so it may be worth a try. Finally,
> try with ;1 appended
> to each filename: boot scsi-int/sd@3:,\OFWBOOT.XCF;1
> good luck
> Michael
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