Subject: Re: NetBSD usability
To: None <>
From: Francis Koclas <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 11/04/2005 21:50:29
While we're on this topic, would anyone be willing to share his X
configuration for an iBook?
I started setting up NetBSD on a 12" iBook 600 (rage 128 8M) and I have
various problems with X. My keyboard is totally off (backspace gives me
tilde, amongst tons of other weird stuff).
Also :
- How does one simulates a right click?
- How can we bind the command key so that it can behave like a windows key?
- How do you kill/restart X ? I know the control option delete and
control-option-F1 thing but that does not do anything on my ibook.
I'm using xorg 6.8.2 if this is important. Should I be using the NetBSD
X11 tree?