Subject: Re: NetBSD usability
To: Maicon Stihler <>
From: Michael <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 11/04/2005 17:56:55
> Im considering installing NetBSD on my Ibook (a late 2004 model), but
> I want to hear from people that already installed it.
Early 2004 model here, 12", 800MHz G4
> How is the support for things like sound (I dont know if my Ibook use
> awacs or what),
Should work with the snapper driver ( mine at least does )
> screen brightness,
Don't think so, need to check
> multiple login terminals on cosole,
Not until Someone(tm) gets around to either write a radeon driver or add
virtual console support to ofb. The former is on my todo-list but not
very high. Power management, suspend and so on are more important in my
opinion and I'm still digging through Darwin sources to figure out how
exactly these things are supposed to work, among many other things. So -
may happen some day but don't hold your breath.
> X an desktop related applications,
XFree86 works. No hardware-accelerated 3D though.
> function keys, and locale support (I need to be able to write with
> special characters like cedilla, etc).
Never tried these things but since they don't need special hardware
support as far as I'm aware they should just work.
> I want to put a BSD (NetBSD if possible) in place of MacOS X, but I
> need to be sure that I will be able to do most things like running an
> office suite, browsing the web, playing mp3/dvds, etc.
You can do all these things.
have fun