Subject: Unexpected power off
To: None <>
From: David Bariod <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/31/2005 08:27:47
     Hello Dear all,

I've just noticed something weird I can not explain.
The computer is a G3 iBook.
When forking/execing external programs from
gvim (gtk builtin), the machine unexpectedly poweroff
and go back to the obp without performing proper
I've just heard the "pwaaaahh" (the mac sound at power on)
the screen go black and then blank with the obp
sadistically prompting to me.
Hopefully I've only lost the few lst modification
in the file I was editing.
But it is really annoying and scary.
The netBSD release is 2.0.2.
Does someone also notice this ?
And how a user world unpriviled application can poweroff the computer ?

David Bariod