Subject: Re: help with xfree on PPC9500/200
To: Michael <>
From: Tomas D <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/19/2005 13:35:50
Michael I've got my X working!!! finally after Chris's suggestion:
--- Chris Tribo <> wrote:

> Just pick up an XClaim VR off of Ebay. There's one on buy it now for $8.00
> or someone selling a set of 10 new in box units for $30. It's a 3D Rage
> Pro chip which should work without a problem. Scrolling in OF is kind of
> slow, but machfb should work with it to support acceleration, virtual
> consoles, color console, and 24 bpp at 1024x768 in X.

--- Michael <> wrote:

> Hello,
> > thanks for patched kernel Michael, no luck with that one though ): 
> > I must note one thing that screen sort of blinks when I do startx so I
> > guess something is happening there (;
> Well, it probably tries to switch to whatever resolution you specified
> in XF86Config, then something fails and it goes back.
> > ofb0 at pci0 dev 13 function 0ihandle: -7494400
> > : ATI Technologies Mach64 GX
> > ofb0: 640 x 480, 8bpp
> That's odd - the kernel includes a driver for mach64-based graphics
> controllers. What you have here must be a pretty odd beast.
> What exactly is in your Device section? It shouldn't contain look like
> this:
> Section "Device"
>     Identifier  "something"
>     Driver      "ati"
> EndSection
> The Identifier doesn't matter, it's just a name that should match the
> Device entry in the Screen section. But there shouldn't be anything
> besides the driver entry.
> Then please send me the output of this:
> pcictl pci0 dump -d 13
> this will dump everything the kernel knows about the card.
> Another thing you could try is to add
> MemBase 0x81000000
> to your Device section. This /may/ help although I doubt it.
> For some reason the driver thinks your card is an ISA device - no idea
> why, it gets the information from a register on the chip which either
> means the chip lies ( if it's a custom-made part for Apple they probably
> didn't bother with it and their driver wouldn't use it - I don't know.
> In this case the driver would need to handle this sort of card specially
> ) or the driver doesn't read the right register ( not very likely ) - so
> it doesn't pay much attention to PCI configuration. I fear I can't do
> much about that without such a card to play with - you're probably
> better off looking for something else.
> have fun
> Michael

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