Subject: Re: Ummm...
To: John Klos <>
From: Rui Paulo <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/11/2005 11:16:09
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
On 2005.10.11 00:58:15 -0700, John Klos wrote:
| I am at a complete loss. I've been doing bulk builds on this for weeks to=
| see if it's stable, and after I moved it to the new datacenter today, thi=
| is what happens when I was cvs'ing...
I have similar problems when I'm on some high load:
db> bt
0xd510ba40: at panic+0x19c
0xd510bad0: at trap+0xfc
0xd510bb50: kernel MCHK trap by uvm_pagedequeue+0x90: srr1=3D0x49030
r1=3D0xd510bc10 cr=3D0x44422044 xer=3D0x20000000 ctr=3D0x38138c
0xd510bc10: at ADBDevTable+0xa23768
0xd510bc20: at uvm_pagefree+0x1ec
0xd510bc50: at genfs_putpages+0x988
0xd510bdb0: at VOP_PUTPAGES+0x50
0xd510bdf0: at uvn_put+0xc
0xd510be00: at uvmpd_scan_inactive+0x440
0xd510bec0: at uvmpd_scan+0x7c
0xd510bf00: at uvm_pageout+0x12c
0xd510bf40: at cpu_switchto+0x44
0xd510bf50: at ADBDevTable+0x4b9a49fc
-- Rui Paulo
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Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (NetBSD)