Subject: Re: Printer serial port on a Powermac 8500
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 09/28/2005 14:23:02
>> Is it possible that the printer won't work with a serial connection,
>> or have I looked in the wrong place? I'd appreciate it if someone
>> with more experience could let me know.
> Depends. If you're using 2.0 it may be the connection.
> I know nothing about Apple-style serial printers, is it possible the
> printer uses some weird AppleTalkish protocol?
I've currently got the 2.0.2 generic kernel running on the system. I'm
not sure
if the printer runs an Appletalk protocol or not, but in trying the APSFilter
setup script, it seemed as if the script was expecting to use the Appletalk
protocol to connect to a remote printer. For the serial side of things, it's
asking for stuff like baud rates and parity, none of which I really
know. I've
had the printer for a few years now, and don't know where the docs are or even
if they list such things. That caused me to do a search on the subject, which
is how I came across the info on flaky serial ports.