, dixie <dixieml@imap.cc>
From: Rudi Ludwig <rudihl@gmx.de>
List: port-macppc
Date: 08/25/2005 22:38:47
On Wed, 24 Aug 2005 17:41:05 -0700
Bill Studenmund <wrstuden@netbsd.org> wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 21, 2005 at 07:48:05PM +0200, Rudi Ludwig wrote:
> >
> >
> > Hello all:
> >
> > I just cvs updated sys/src and installed a new /usr/sbin/config.
> > After "config <file>" a "make depend" failes, as you can see below.
> I'm not sure how to help, but the command is correct. genassym
> GENerates ASsembly SYMbols, and is used to generate defines that
> indicate how far into a struct assembly-language code should find
> parts of C structures. That way if you shuffle C-language structures
> around, the asm code can automatically keep up.
> I'm not sure where it gets built by default these days, but go
> searching for it.
> Hope this helps.
Okay, I see, carefully re-reading the
I think I understand that I cannot build -current (3.99.xx) with a
2.0 tool-chain. Probably worked in the past because it was still 2.99
I was using as -current (updateing only the "config" programm).
The thing that probably misguided me was that a "which genassym" in the
compile/<name> directory ended with a no such file in $PATH.
Though it seams from
that only installing /usr/bin/genassym would suffice,
I will most likely not download the whole source tree, but stick to
the 2.x kernel branch until a complete reinstall.
Thanks for your assistance.
> Take care,
> Bill