Subject: Re: Separate /var, /tmp filesystems and partitions
To: Matt Rolf <>
From: Hammond, Robin-David%KB3IEN <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 08/10/2005 14:52:14
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perhaps some output from the pdisk, which pdisk the macos X,9 or netbsd=20
pdisk btw?
On Wed, 10 Aug 2005, Matt Rolf wrote:
> Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2005 10:44:53 -0400
> From: Matt Rolf <>
> To:
> Subject: Separate /var, /tmp filesystems and partitions
> I submitted this to the list yesterday, but it doesn't seem to have poste=
> Apologies if it posts twice or something.
> Today I installed NetBSD 2.0.2 on my 1ghz 12" powerbook. =A0When setting =
up the
> drive I made partitions with NetBSD pdisk, and included ones for /,
> swap, /tmp, /var, and /usr. =A0All NetBSD partitions are of type
> Apple_UNIX_SVR2. =A0Based on the install manual, my understanding is that=
> sysinstall partition tool can't be used because it will tear up the Apple
> Partition Map and render the machine unbootable. =A0
> Unfortunately, pdisk can only flag the /, swap, and /usr partitions as Ne=
> specific, so the /var and /tmp partitions don't get recognized by either
> disklabel or the installed system. =A0 The /tmp and /var directories end =
> residing on the root file system. =A0
> Can anyone suggest a tool or method to get these two partitions
> recognized? =A0Do I need to simply mark /var and /tmp as /usr in pdisk? =
I have
> read through the archives and haven't seen anything, but it is possible t=
> I missed something.
> Thanks,
> Matt
> --=20
> The last thing we need is people running around like chickens with their =
> cut off screaming "omg dat aprache servar got r00ted.. wher3s teh sploit!=
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Robin-David Hammond=09KB3IEN