Subject: Re: Some questions
To: Daejuan Jacobs <>
From: Dan LaBell <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/24/2005 22:30:05
On Jul 19, 2005, at 10:57 AM, Daejuan Jacobs wrote:
> Hi, thanks for the detailed response. I knew OS X makes other
> partitions, here's mine.
> /dev/rdisk0 map block size=512
> #: type name length base (
> size )
> 1: Apple_partition_map Apple 63 @ 1
> 2: Apple_Free 0+@ 64
> 3: Apple_HFS Apple_HFS_Untitled_2 38820536 @ 262208 (
> 18.5G)
> 4: Apple_Boot eXternal booter 17408 @ 39082744 (
> 8.5M)
> 5: Apple_UFS Apple_UFS_Untitled_3 39065192 @ 39100152 (
> 18.6G)
> 6: Apple_Free 0+@ 78165344
> Device block size=512, Number of Blocks=78165360
> DeviceType=0x0, DeviceId=0x0
> I knew about using "upgrade" rather then an install. So your telling
> me, in the UFS I can make a swap partition? Or are you saying to use
> Disk Utility and delete the UFS, and create another HFS? Because I
> need a swap partition for NetBSD. Thats really the only thing I need
> help on.
I'm saying use pdisk. Assuming disk0s5 / Apple_UFS_Untitled_3 is
empty, etc,
(can be deleted,etc), I think it would go something like d 5, then d
4, then C with 4p for start, size
give size in gigabyte or megabyte adding a suffix of G or M,
respectively, type Apple_UFS,
then C 5p for start, size 5p, type Apple_UNIX_SVR2, for the swap. So
then, externel booter is totally
gone, you don't need it, unless you want to boot macosx on the ufs,
and you have less cruft,
partitions 1-3 are intact, hfs file system untouched -- diskutility,
though, kills everything, you can't 'fine tune' w/ it.