Subject: Boot problem with NetBSD 2.0
To: None <>
From: Anton Afanasiev <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/24/2005 13:10:44
I'm using Apple Powermac Beige G3 (PowerPC 750 -based system according to Open
Firmware information) and I have a problem during NetBSD 2.0 boot. I've used
a floppy-type installation. The problem appears when the kernel has been
already loaded and started the hardware detection. It stops with strokes:
wsmux1: connecting to wsdisplay0
md0: internal 2048KB image area
scsibus0: waiting 2 seconds for devices to settle...
and after that the system hangs up.
I've try to remove ZIP-drive from the system, but it don't cause any effect.
My Open Firmware variables are:
auto-boot? false
output-device screen
input-device kbd
real-base F00000
load-base 600000
boot-device fd:0
boot-file netbsd
boot-command begin ['] boot catch 1000 ms cr again
I've also tried to install the appropriate patches (such as SystemDisk-patch),
but it didn't cause any effect too. Also I've tried to use UserConf, where
I've manually disabled all scsi*-marked devices, but the situation hadn't
Could anyone tell me what have I done wrong or forgot?
ps. sorry for my language, haven't practice for a long time :)