Subject: Re: Some questions
To: Dan LaBell <>
From: Daejuan Jacobs <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/19/2005 09:57:13
Hi, thanks for the detailed response. I knew OS X makes other
partitions, here's mine.
/dev/rdisk0 map block size=3D512
#: type name length base ( size )
1: Apple_partition_map Apple 63 @ 1 =20
2: Apple_Free 0+@ 64 =20
3: Apple_HFS Apple_HFS_Untitled_2 38820536 @ 262208 ( 18.5G=
4: Apple_Boot eXternal booter 17408 @ 39082744 ( 8.5M)
5: Apple_UFS Apple_UFS_Untitled_3 39065192 @ 39100152 ( 18.6G=
6: Apple_Free 0+@ 78165344
Device block size=3D512, Number of Blocks=3D78165360
DeviceType=3D0x0, DeviceId=3D0x0
I knew about using "upgrade" rather then an install. So your telling
me, in the UFS I can make a swap partition? Or are you saying to use
Disk Utility and delete the UFS, and create another HFS? Because I
need a swap partition for NetBSD. Thats really the only thing I need
help on.
On 7/19/05, Dan LaBell <> wrote:
> On Jul 18, 2005, at 10:57 AM, Daejuan Jacobs wrote:
> > Hello, I'm a current Linux user who wants to try out NetBSD. I want to
> > know if there is a way to install NetBSD without touching OS X?
> Yes. I take it you mean keep OSX intact. You may to copy a file or 2
> to your hfs+
> partition to boot, but otherwise...
> >
> > When I installled OS X, I made two partitions, 1 for hfs+ for OS X and
> > one UFS. Both equal size.
> >
> You may actually have more, disk utility doesn't show driver
> partitions, etc.
> At a terminal prompt, as root, or maybe via sudo
> try 'echo L | pdisk' , and it will dump out the partition map for all
> drives,
> redirect to file, you may need this to figure out what to pass to
> openfirmware etc.
> (It's worth noting that L will "rescan", ejected drives that are still
> on will reconnect).
> > I plan on installing from a CD-R
> > My specs
> > iMac G3 400MHZ
> > ATI Rage pro
> > I have openfirmware 3
> >
> > Will the installer work out everything in the UFS? Creating swap,
> > etc.. I've read the documentation quite a few times, and just want
> > some reassurance, as it's a little confusing.
> > Any help is welcome.
> >
> I'm assuming you've read the docs, faq, nv-faq, etc, and just want over
> any "fuzzy" bits
> I don't think that you want to run thru the installer as install, but
> either upgrade, or
> install sets whatever option skips disklabeling etc, as disklabel can
> apple's pmap can't cohabitate. I'd setup the partitions via macosx,
> but if you can use a swap file instead, you can probably just install
> as is, maybe erase the UFS first. If you're paranoid, I'd backup first
> 64 sectors or so of the drive, via
> osx# dd if=3D/dev/rdisk0 bs=3D512 count=3D64 of=3D/where_ever
> I typically copy over ofwboot.xcf and the install kernel to the root
> dir of the macosx drive.
> Once, I thought I had to this, perhaps I made the cd incorrectly, or
> maybe more likely it was of's tricky syntax, at any rate, at some point
> your going to be booting ofwboot.xcf from your harddisk... Once you're
> in the installer, I'd drop to the shell via util menu, then
> try mounting devices, like maybe: for D in /dev/wd0? ; do mount $D /mnt
> && break ; done
> and verify which slice is what you want. I do this, as sometimes wd0a
> is some
> wierd boot partition or other wierdness, OSX and OF can't directly boot
> a UFS, so diskutil
> actually slips in a few more partitions 'transparently' to hide this.
> Below is my partition via pdisk, (You can take the fields for partition
> type from it, the only really, hairy part of pdisk) it has the OS9
> drivers ( 2-8), then my netbsd root, and then swap, then hfs+, I got
> there by using disk utility to make a blank HFS partition, then I got
> into pdisk at terminal prompt, delete the HFS partition, ( leaving the
> 0S9 drivers ) and manually added the UFS and swap, and then HFS, so I
> don't have any 'boot' partitions'. pdisk is not that hard, esp with
> the the partition#p syntax, like 10p for start block, etc , and it
> doesn't auto erase anything, it doesn't newfs anything ( in theory one
> could go back and forth mbr/disklabel setup and apple pmap with careful
> editing ),
> 04:27:42#echo L | pdisk
> Top level command (? for help): /dev/rdisk0 map block size=3D512
> #: type name length base (
> size )
> 1: Apple_partition_map Apple 63 @ 1
> 2: Apple_Driver43*Macintosh 56 @ 64
> 3: Apple_Driver43*Macintosh 56 @ 120
> 4: Apple_Driver_ATA*Macintosh 56 @ 176
> 5: Apple_Driver_ATA*Macintosh 56 @ 232
> 6: Apple_FWDriver Macintosh 512 @ 288
> 7: Apple_Driver_IOKit Macintosh 512 @ 800
> 8: Apple_Patches Patch Partition 512 @ 1312
> 9: Apple_UFS a 8806400 @ 1824 (
> 4.2G)
> 10: Apple_UNIX_SVR2 swap 786432 @ 8808224
> (384.0M)
> 11: Apple_HFS imac_hd 146706832 @ 9594656 (
> 70.0G)
> Device block size=3D512, Number of Blocks=3D156301488
> DeviceType=3D0x0, DeviceId=3D0x0
> Drivers-
> 1: @ 64 for 23, type=3D0x1
> 2: @ 120 for 36, type=3D0xffff
> 3: @ 176 for 21, type=3D0x701
> 4: @ 232 for 34, type=3D0xf8ff
> Top level command (? for help): The end
Man Wit Da Plan.