Subject: Re: still G4 problems
To: None <>
From: Donald Lee <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/08/2005 22:54:53
>Also it is a problem related to use, posisbly disk activity. Just
>leaving the computer on with "setiathome" running doesn't crash the
>computer even after hours.

This sounds mighty familiar.

I was having trouble with NetBSD 1.6.2 on a G4 with strange crashes.
I found that running a CPU spin nice'd down to keep the processor out
of the idle loop kept things very stable.  I later found that
turning off "sleep" mode in the processor also "fixed" it.

From an earlier post:

At 8:31 AM -0500 3/14/05, Tim Kelly wrote:
>Out of curiosity, in arch/powerpc/oea/cpu_subr.c, if you set powersave = 0 in
>case MPC7447A:
>case MPC7448:
>case MPC7457:
>case MPC7455:
>case MPC7450:
>     /* Enable the 7450 branch caches */
>     hid0 |= HID0_SGE | HID0_BTIC;
>     hid0 |= HID0_LRSTK | HID0_FOLD | HID0_BHT;
>     /* Disable BTIC on 7450 Rev 2.0 or earlier */
>     if (vers == MPC7450 && (pvr & 0xFFFF) <= 0x0200)
>          hid0 &= ~HID0_BTIC;
>     /* Select NAP mode. */
>     hid0 &= ~(HID0_HIGH_BAT_EN | HID0_SLEEP);
>     hid0 |= HID0_NAP | HID0_DPM /* | HID0_XBSEN */;
>     powersave = 1;
>     break;

This is what I did, and I've been running production since then...

(see posts from 14-19 Mar 2005 "powersave and ping times - 1.6.2" port-macppc)

I could not reproduce my problems with 2.0.x.  Maybe they're back....
