Subject: Re: newbie question, boot cd on beige g3
To: None <>
From: Dominic Williams <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 06/27/2005 14:09:41
I am having similar trouble booting the CD on a G3 series.
Chris Tribo wrote:
> You need the system disk or startup disk patches
> loaded
I did follow the instructions to patch the NVRAM using
System Disk. Is there a way to tell whether that
worked? wrote:
> that is for new world macs the ofwboot.xcf. beige
> g3's are old world you also need to set the boot
> file. it should be NETBSD.MACPPC. however it is in
> the documentation as described here
Tinyurl to the install notes:
I tried all the examples provided in that document:
0 > boot cd:0 NETBSD.MACPPC
0 > boot scsi-int/sd@3:0 NETBSD.MACPPC
0 > boot scsi/sd@3:0 NETBSD.MACPPC
0 > boot ata/atapi-disk:0 NETBSD.MACPPC
0 > boot ide1/disk@0:0 NETBSD.MACPPC
But get "CAN'T OPEN" for all of them. When I list the
devices, and the devalias, I can't see any that look
like that. I've tried both boot and dir commands on all
those devices, and some that I actually see when I list
my devices, but to no avail.
So right now I'm still trying to find the CD device,
and to do list its contents to find the NETBSD.MACPPC
Unfortunately I can't paste the output of the dev / ls
Any suggestions welcome!
Dominic Williams.