Subject: Re: kernel panic!
To: Riccardo Mottola <>
From: Michael <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 06/26/2005 10:55:23
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> the situaiton is much worse than I feared...
> I read your email too late and thus I built using
> make COPTS=3D"xxx"
> I used -O3 and -cpu=3D7400 and -maltivec
> the last one zas not necessary apparently, since I saw it twice.
options ALTIVEC sets it if I remember correctly. But all it does is to
enable C-stubs, ABI-support and assembler mnemonics for AltiVec
> the kernel is unstable as ever! slight compilations, use, cvs work...
> may crash the box withn 5-10 minutes!!!
Does this happen with L2-cache disabled too? If not the L2 vs. CPU clock
ratio may be wrong. Some mainboards don't like to run the CPU bus at
50MHz. If you have MacOS somewhere around I'd strongly recommend to get
NewerTech's CacheProfiler ( or whatever they call it these days. It
supports many CPU cards from other vendors as well, like my Phase 5 G3 )
and play with it until you find something that works, then change the
NetBSD kernel accordingly.
The G4 card almost certainly tries to run the bus at 50MHz, some even
try to overclock it slightly (cpu0: 409.10 MHz sounds a bit odd). Some
boards have problems at 50MHz, even more at >50MHz. Memory may be an
issue too - I have 2 32MB modules here that worked fine with two 604e
cards running the bus at 43.something MHz, but went bananas with the G3
running it at 50MHz - there are plenty of memory testers for MacOS,
can't hurt to try one of them. ( I recommend to do that in MacOS not
because I like MacOS so much ( I don't ) - but MacOS is the OS where
you'll have an utility to fiddle with CPU/cache settings on the fly and
it should be a little more robust against flaky memory ).
good luck
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