Subject: Re: unable to boot on powerbook G4 550MHz
To: Sven Klemm <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 06/17/2005 08:29:29
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On Fri, Jun 17, 2005 at 08:38:37AM +0000, Sven Klemm wrote:
> Hi
> Siegmund Fuhringer <sifu <at>> writes:
> > root filesystem type: ext2fs
> > exec /sbin/init: error 20
> > .
> > .
> > .
> > panic
> I had exactly the same problem. The partition seems to have artefacts fro=
m a
> former partition. After I did dd if=3D/dev/zero of=3D/dev/wd0a the partit=
ion was
> recognised correctly and the booting worked fine.
All you have to do is dd if=3D/dev/zero of=3D/dev/rwd0a count=3D16 bs=3D512=
. wd0a=20
should work too.
The problem is that the ext2fs superblock is 2k into the file system (or=20
is it 4k?), while the ffs one is 8k at least. Thus when you format a disk=
for ffs, a previous ext2fs superblock doesn't get wiped out, and ext2fs=20
will be found sooner, and get very confused.
The reason other ports like x86 don't see this is that they write boot=20
code into the start of the partition which overwrites the ext2fs=20
superblock. mac68k, however does see this issue.
Take care,
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