Subject: Re: startx woes ;)
To: Michael <>
From: Greg Evans <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 06/12/2005 22:19:37
Just wondering if either of these (or something similar) still apply?
On Jun 12, 2005, at 4:21 PM, Michael wrote:
> Hello,
>> I am assuming I am doing something wrong attempting to set up my
>> display here, but I figured that I would confirm it, before I go
>> waste a ton of time on it. :)
>> Fatal server error:
>> xf86MapVidMem: could not mmap screen [s=20000,a=a0000] (Invalid
>> argument)
> The stupid driver tries to map the VGA framebuffer so it can save
> text mode stuff - doesn't work on macppc ( and it would be pretty
> pointless anyway since we don't use text mode even when it's
> available in theory )
> So what you need is either someone who fixes the ati driver so it
> doesn't do this on macppc or a kernel hack that allows to map this
> address range. Fixing the driver is probably easy - it works fine
> on sparc64 which doesn't use the textmode nonsense either.
> have fun
> Michael