Subject: RS232 Serial connection problem
To: None <>
From: Tomas D <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 06/12/2005 11:14:14
I've got a problem connecting to my cisco router from macppc9500(/dev/ttyZ0) with netbsd 2.0.2 on
I'm using ttya or modem port(mini din8 f) on my mac, I've cut my 16$ mini din8 - db25 cable to
discover that there are 5 wires (I was expecting to see 6 [should have red more careful] so my pins are:
1 HSKo
2 HSKi
3 TxD-
5 RxD-
6,7,8- either gnd or not connected
cisco console where pinouts are:
1 RTS Request To Send -->
2 DTR Data Terminal Ready -->
3 TXD Tranceive Data -->
4 n/c Not connected
5 n/c Not connected
6 RXD Receive Data <--
7 DSR Data Set Ready <--
8 CTS Clear To Send <--
so I'm fine connecting(mini din8 - rj45) pins 1 to 1, 2 to 8, 3 to 3, 5 to 6 I'm left over with 2
pins on cisco that are DSR(Data Set Ready) and DTR(Data Terminal Ready) which according to some
people I spoke with arent that important. I'm trying to connect to my cisco router using:
#cu -l /dev/ttyZ0 -s 9600
after which I'm getting:
after which nothing else seem to happen, the problem I'm expecting might be cause of DSR and DTR I
need to try rewiring RS232 to use hardwired handshaking, but I have no clue on where to start
from. If anyone would have any suggestions on that I would much appreciate it
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