Subject: Re: Apple switches to intel -- welcome to the 'historic section',
To: None <>
From: Andrew Weiss <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 06/07/2005 13:09:25
On Jun 7, 2005, at 9:24 AM, Cameron Kaiser wrote:
>> Will the new machines still boot with openfirmware?
> AFAICT, no. They appear to be more or less bog-standard PCs (even the
> developer SDK) and a contact of mine pointed to a Apple internal memo
> saying Open Firmware is dead in the new line. I think this is even
> documented in the WWDC SDK kit, if anyone here has ADC credentials.
> This means it will be very interesting to see how they keep grubby
> little hands out of the OS. Somewhere, some bright whippersnapper will
> figure out a way to hoodwink OS X to boot on non-official hardware.
> --
> ---------------------------------- personal:
> ~spectre/ --
> Cameron Kaiser, Floodgap Systems Ltd * So. Calif., USA *
> -- When in doubt, take a pawn. -- Mission: Impossible ("Crack-Up")
> ------------
It's called Pentium D (Palladium/NGSCB) integrated DRM on a chip.
Remember that Steve wants all the developer boxes back when people
are done with them... they're "not a product".