Subject: vr0: transmit aborted
To: None <>
From: Tomas D <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 05/31/2005 05:28:53
Sometimes when I ssh to my macppc 9500 machine (with vr0 nic in it) and add packages from pkgsrc
I'm getting following error msg:
May 30 23:45:27 wally /netbsd: vr0: transmit aborted
May 30 23:45:27 wally /netbsd: vr0: restarting
after which mac kicks out of the network somehow vr0 is not restarting as it says and that happens
quite a lot (don't quite know what that depends on)
#cat /var/log/messages | grep "May 30 23:" | grep "vr0" | wc -l
I cannot quite tell when mac went out of the network completely cause I just left it to install 3
packages. I can easily fix that doing:
#ifconfig vr0 down
#ifconfig vr0 up
this however is not very much convenient when I don't have direct access to it. can anybody please
advise me what to do, I was thinking to use ifwatchd(8) or simple shell script that pings default
gateway 3 times takes output and if packetloss is 100% do ifconfig vr0 down, ifconfig vr0 up then
sleep for 1min, or do you think it's worth recompiling the kernel and see if it improves?
I'm using netbsd 2.0.2
thanks for your help
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