Subject: Re: Booter for Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) can boot NetBSD?
To: Robert Nestor <>
From: Donald Lee <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 05/28/2005 19:28:05
This should work on OF 2.x on up, right?
Seems to me that if we made this a little more "user friendly", it
could become the standard boot procedure. It could be made a little
smarter, and could even search for bootable partitions, etc. Depends on
how much work someone wanted to put into it.
Our current MacPPC booting regimen is less than ideal.
Would this allow some users to keep a little more hair.
Could this technique be used to get "snag boot" working on the install CD?
The slick thing here is that it allows us a technique to store a little more
forth than will fit in NVRAM, and in a way that is much less opaque than
Am I missing something?
(I'll try this....)
>On May 28, 2005, at 10:40 AM, Donald Lee wrote:
>> I seem to recall that someone wrote a menu-like IFace that could be
>> put in forth's NVRAM. What I would really like is a forth boot
>> that could be set to default to one system, and boot it after a
>> short timeout, but allow switching to an alternate on some keypress(es).
>> I know that Mac OS 9 won't allow this, because it scribbles on the
>> forth settings. ;-< In theory, it would be possible with Mac OS X,
>> NetBSD, OpenBSD, etc.
>If I understand you correctly I think I've done this on my B&W G3. I used Yellow Dog Linux to get it working, but I think all you need to do is:
> 1) Create a small partition on the disk to hold the primary bootstrap CHRP file and set the default boot to boot from this partition. This doesn't have to be an HFS type partition, but it is easier to set up with OS 9 or OS X utilities if it is. You can change the partition type to something else after you get it configured. This is done for you by the YDL utilities but you can use pdisk to do it too.
> 2) Place the attached CHRP file in the partition created in step #1. The file Creator code should be "chrp" and the file Type code should be "tbxi".
>You'll need to edit the CHRP file to adjust for the partitions on your disk. In my system partition 6 contains the CHRP bootstrap and the YDL Secondary Boot. Partition 7 contains OS 9, 8 contains OS X, and 11 is my NetBSD Root.
>When I boot I get a small menu that allows me to select what system I want to boot up. I can also select a NetBoot or CDROM or even drop into Openfirmware. If I don't select anything it defaults to OS X after about 10 seconds. Also, on newer systems the multi-system boot prompt (the Opt key) should work.
>Obviously to boot both NetBSD and OpenBSD you'll need to assign different keys to each.
>Yellow Dog Linux First Stage Bootstrap
>: .printf fb8-write drop ;
>: bootyaboot " Loading second stage bootstrap..." .printf 100 ms load-base release-load-area " /pci@80000000/pci-bridge@d/pci-ata@1/@0/disk@0:6,\\yaboot" $boot ;
>: bootybsd " Booting BSD..." .printf 100 ms " /pci@80000000/pci-bridge@d/pci-ata@1/@0/disk@0:6,\\ofwboot netbsd" $boot ;
>: bootmacos " Booting MacOS..." .printf 100 ms load-base release-load-area " /pci@80000000/pci-bridge@d/pci-ata@1/@0/disk@0:8,\\:tbxi" $boot ;
>: bootmacosx " Booting MacOSX..." .printf 100 ms load-base release-load-area " /pci@80000000/pci-bridge@d/pci-ata@1/@0/disk@0:7,\\:tbxi" $boot ;
>: bootcd " Booting CDROM..." .printf 100 ms load-base release-load-area " cd:,\\:tbxi" $boot ;
>: bootnet " Booting Network..." .printf 100 ms load-base release-load-area " enet:0" $boot ;
>: bootof " Booting OpenFirmware..." .printf 100 ms quit ;
>" screen" output
>variable interactive
>1 interactive !
>0 interactive @ = if
> bootyaboot
>dev screen
>" "(0000000000aa00aa0000aaaaaa0000aa00aaaa5500aaaaaa)" drop 0 7 set-colors
>" "(5555555555ff55ff5555ffffff5555ff55ffffff55ffffff)" drop 8 15 set-colors
>f to foreground-color
>0 to background-color
>" "(0C)" .printf
>" First Stage Yellow Dog Linux Bootstrap"(0d 0a)" .printf
>" "(0d 0a)" .printf
>" Press l for Yellow Dog Linux,"(0d 0a)" .printf
>" b for BSD,"(0d 0a)" .printf
>" m for MacOS,"(0d 0a)" .printf
>" x for MacOSX,"(0d 0a)" .printf
>" c for CDROM,"(0d 0a)" .printf
>" n for Network,"(0d 0a)" .printf
>" o for OpenFirmware."(0d 0a)" .printf
>" "(0d 0a)" .printf
>" Stage 1 Boot: " .printf
>get-msecs d# 10 3E8 * +
> key? if
> key case
> ascii l of " l "(0d 0a)" .printf bootyaboot endof
> ascii b of " b "(0d 0a)" .printf bootybsd endof
> ascii m of " m "(0d 0a)" .printf bootmacos endof
> ascii x of " x "(0d 0a)" .printf bootmacosx endof
> ascii c of " c "(0d 0a)" .printf bootcd endof
> ascii n of " n "(0d 0a)" .printf bootnet endof
> ascii o of " o "(0d 0a)" .printf bootof endof
> endcase
> then
> dup get-msecs <
>" "(0d 0a)" .printf bootmacosx