Subject: Re: help with xfree on PPC9500/200
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: Michael <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 05/22/2005 20:21:47
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> Is it really essential to use XFree? This is an *excellent* example
> of how the XFree way is broken, why it is utterly insane to try to do
> things like bus scanning in the X server rather than letting the
> kernel do what kernels are for.
Yes, for lack of suitable alternatives it is essential.
On the other hand XFree handles SBus devices via /dev/fb* which should
be more or less what you're thinking of, so it's not entirely impossible
to do things in a sane way in XFree. At least on sparc and sparc64 we
can easily assign a fb device to PCI graphics boards.
> > Move your graphics card into another slot that belongs to pci0
> ...if there are any. I've seen machines that appear to have a
> half-dozen PCI buses in the machine, some of which don't appear to
> have any physical sockets corresponding to them;
In the 9500 both buses have slots as far as I know.
> for all I can tell from
> here, this may be one. In fact, based on the dmesg, it seems likely -
> the machine has two bandits at mainbus0, with the ATI card is behind
> the second one, and everything behind the first one looks like stuff
> that could plausibly be on the motherboard: pchb0, vr0, obio0 -
> exactly what's shown in the scan above.
Machines with only one bandit usually have 2 or 3 PCI slots ( or use a
pci-pci bridge like some UMAX boxes )=20
have fun
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