Subject: lint still problematic
To: None <>
From: John Klos <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 05/12/2005 15:00:08
Has anything changed in current which would fix the lint problem on G4s
with larger L2 caches? I have never seen lint problems on G3 or external
L2 G4s, but on a 7455, I saw lint problems infrequently, and on a 7457, I
see them more often:
# compile libcrypto/dso_null.ln
CC=/usr/tools/bin/powerpc--netbsd-gcc /usr/tools/bin/powerpc--netbsd-lint
-chapbxzF -d /usr/dest/usr/include -Dlibcrypto -I.
-I/usr/src/crypto/dist/openssl/crypto -I/usr/src/crypto/dist/openssl
-I/usr/src/crypto/dist/openssl/crypto -DDES_UNROLL
-I/usr/src/crypto/dist/openssl/crypto/mdc2 -i
powerpc--netbsd-lint: /usr/tools/libexec/powerpc--netbsd-lint1 got signal
(This is the same kind of problem I've mentioned every now and then for a
while now)
John Klos
Today is the day that my destiny calls me!