Subject: Re: modifier key remap can be improved?
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-macppc
Date: 05/06/2005 20:27:49
> For it says, right there in the U.S. of A. Constitution, "in order to
> promote Science and the Useful Arts." It does not say "in order to
> provide for the privileged well-being of Authors and Inventors, and
> Great Corporations who Would Have Their Way with Them."
No. But the Constitution is not the only piece of law that is being
rewritten in favour of whichever pack of lawyers happen to be backed by
more money, one court case at a time.
Otherwise, the PTO wouldn't be issuing stupid patents. (It probably
wouldn't be doing anything even vaguely like what it's currently doing,
since its effects are almost diametrically opposed to the goals patents
were originally intended to serve.) Otherwise the Patriot Act, the
DMCA, various of the other more draconian pieces of law, would have
been scrapped as unconstitutional at first reading. Otherwise
ambulance chasers wouldn't even *exist*, instead of having been so
common as to have become an idiom, because you'd have a justice system
instead of a legal system.
I don't expect any of that to change until the whole mess collapses.
And given how much inertia the current system has built up, it will be
well past self-sustainability when that happens, and the crash will be
...and this really has nothing to do with NetBSD/macppc any longer.
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