Subject: Re: [Fwd: Regular daily builds]
To: None <>
From: Tim Kelly <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 05/02/2005 16:58:37
I've been unable to get macppc -current userland to build with macppc tools
for quite some time now (since January). While some of these can be traced
back to developers committing code that won't compile, there are also
unexplained errors that stop the build process. Others have claimed no
problems with either macppc or cross-building on another arch, but I'm not
the only one with this problem.
>If there are questions/comments/concerns please feel free to send mail to
> with these.
shows no macppc entry. It does show a mac68k entry, and most of the other
archs. Is macppc to be added to nightly builds soon?
thanks in advance,