Subject: Re: setting OF in the dark
To: port-macppc <>
From: Peter Rooney <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 04/20/2005 12:39:16
Bill Studenmund wrote:
[ snip ]
> Try looking at
> I think it includes the needed patches.
Done before subscribing to this list, but thanks for suggesting that it
was the right thing for me to have done. I even went to the trouble of
setting up the VGA adapter to 640x480, though OF is supposed to be smart
(and tyrannical) enough to override adaptors being set any other way.
As near as I can tell, setting nvramrc is only possible with `Boot
Variables', not with `System Disk'. Is it just me that thinks that
having OF reset every time you boot into macOS counts as braindamaged
I thinkg I'm going to just hunt down another mac before continuing.