Subject: Re: setting OF in the dark
To: Peter Rooney <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 04/18/2005 17:29:57
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On Mon, Apr 18, 2005 at 04:56:01PM -0700, Peter Rooney wrote:
> Dear folks,
> I am trying to install netBSD on a 7600. Due to some...hardware=20
> availability issues... I have yet to reach Milestone. I suspect that=20
> others have cleared this particular hurdle before, and are willing to=20
> share their knowledge.
> I'm using a PCI video card, with no mac monitor available to plug into
> /chaos/control, and only one computer, so setting up another computer as
> a serial console is not an option. I'm not expecting to find a second=20
> mac with a serial port any time this month.
It sounds like one issue you may be running into is that the video card=20
may not be able to be the boot video device.
Two other options:
1) ANY computer can act as a terminal server, if it has a serial port. A=20
USB serial port will work too, since you aren't using it as the host=20
computer's boot console. :-)
So unless this mac is the only computer in the house, you should be able=20
to get something working.
2) You can get MAC<->VGA adapters. That way you can plug a VGA monitor=20
into the /chaos/control, and will save you getting the video card working.
> What I've been trying to do in the meantime is get the install going by=
> manually changing the output device to the video card. Not seeing the=20
> prompt or feedback has made this an exercise in futility.
> I have a linux install on another drive, and searching through
> /proc/device-tree/bandit/ has yeilded no clues. The installation=20
> document suggests it would be something along the lines of
> `/bandit@F400000/ATY,mach64@D' or `/bandit/ATY,mach64', or
> `/bandit@F2000000', and nothing that google has offered has gotten more=
> specific than that. Because I don't have a second computer or a=20
> macintosh monitor to plug into the onboard video, I can't just ask at=20
> the OF prompt (which I can access, btw, and can even do `eject fd:' by=20
> typing blind, but I have yet to stumble across the correct `boot=20
> foo,\bar' combination to begin installation from the CD or the boot=20
> floppies. Or maybe i have, and it's presenting a dialogue to the serial=
> console instead of my video card.
The important thing is if you find methods under those nodes. If the card=
doesn't have the firmware to be the OF video port, it may have just enough=
to show up as a device for OF. You need OF to be able to change video=20
modes, etc.
> I give up, and am asking for directions. I have met my match. Rather=20
> than trying out myriad combinations of output-device values (via MacOS=20
> Boot variables) and moving the video card around the slots, I am asking=
> those most likely to know.
> Has someone compiled a list of valid output-device values for the=20
> various PCI slots on the various machines? I suspect that if someone=20
> else also had an ATI card in their outermost PCI slot, I would just plug=
> in their values. That, or I'm missing something basic about the OF boot=
> process.
> Is it even possible to do this? Or should I just patiently wait until I=
> can find an old macintosh before continuing?
I'm not sure if you can get the PCI card working, but there certainly=20
should be things you can do before getting another mac.
Take care,
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