Subject: Re: so why CAN'T Mac OS X and NetBSD live on a single hard drive?
To: Rob Newberry <>
From: Rudi Ludwig <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 03/18/2005 08:00:20
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On Thu, 17 Mar 2005 15:07:44 -0800
Rob Newberry <> wrote:
> It looks like it can't find the kernel, and honestly, I'm not
> surprised -- I don't see how it would, as I've loaded ofwboot.xcf from
> a different partition, and it clearly doesn't know what to do.
did you use pdisk (from NetBSD) to set the filesystem-bits?
(don't know how they are called exaktly) But if I correctly
recall getting NetBSD to boot on an iBook
- 1st. you partition with mac-tools to make MacOS happy
but MacOS doesn't care about some bits in the Disklabel that
NetBSD uses to determine what the root partition is
- 2nd. in NetBSD# pdisk /dev/rwd0c
your Root partition should look something like
UFS k0 13: Apple_UNIX_SVR2 NetBSDroot 409600 @ 13773809
(200.0M) S0 RUFS k0 /
with the "R" in " SO RUFS k0 " beeing the important point.
man pdisk should help you to get there; hope that helps
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