Subject: Re: 9600s and 2 processors
To: Bruce O'Neel <>
From: Timo Schoeler <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 03/11/2005 13:45:38
> Hi,
> Thanks for the answer. So it sounds like one can then buy the dual
> processor card and a 9600 uniprocessor and just swap them, right?
yip. there is one exception: the higher clocked 8600 & 9600 series with
'Mach 5' CPU (read: the 8600/250, 9600/300, and 9600/350) have a
different card design (because of the Inline Cache System those cards
use) and will not work in 'older' 8600/9600's, and vice versa. take
care of this.
> Next stupid question. The 7300-8600 systems all seem to have
> interchangeable processors right?
> If so, does that mean that one
> could stick a 9600 dual processor board in say a 7300? Or would it
> fit but then just smoke the power supply.
it runs seemlessly. :) i had a nPower 360+ equipped 7600 myself back in
1997 or so when i did large renderings...
> And no, I wasn't expecting MacOS to run on the resulting system :-)
it does -- try photoshop ;)
Timo Schoeler |
//macfinity -- finest IT services |
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