Subject: Re: 9600s and 2 processors
To: Timo Schoeler <>
From: Bruce O'Neel <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 03/11/2005 12:31:40
Thanks for the answer. So it sounds like one can then buy the dual
processor card and a 9600 uniprocessor and just swap them, right?
Next stupid question. The 7300-8600 systems all seem to have
interchangeable processors right? If so, does that mean that one
could stick a 9600 dual processor board in say a 7300? Or would it
fit but then just smoke the power supply.
And no, I wasn't expecting MacOS to run on the resulting system :-)
Thanks again!
On Fri, Mar 11, 2005 at 01:22:18PM +0100, Timo Schoeler wrote:
> hi,
> >Hi,
> >
> >[sorry for the somewhat offtopic message, but it will run NetBSD
> >when installed so it's not too far offtopic :-)]
> >
> >The home network is a bit short of (cheap) CPU so I was thinking
> >of adding a 9600 to the mix. Apple produced a 9600/200/mp system
> >which I missed buying on ebay last week (Zuerich is too far to drive),
> >so, I was wondering, can one buy a 9600 single processor machine
> >and put a second processor in it? If so, does one have to use the
> >200 mhz processors? Or is there something special about the multi
> >processor boxes?
> >
> >Thanks in advance!
> the box you mentioned had it's CPU(s) sitting on a daughterboard; the
> logic board itself does not have a second CPU slot (but some clones DO
> have, IIRC e.g. the UMAXens -- but they req'd a special 2nd CPU
> board!).
> so if you want a 2nd 604(e), you have to remove the built-in card and
> swap in the dual CPU card.
> furthermore, there was a dual board from Daystar (named 'nPower 360+'
> or similar) which was used to power up 7500/7600 and so on, but they
> are quite rare (e.g. on ePay).
> HTH,
> --
> Timo Schoeler |
> //macfinity -- finest IT services |
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