Subject: 9600s and 2 processors
To: None <>
From: Bruce ONeel <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 03/11/2005 12:50:44
[sorry for the somewhat offtopic message, but it will run NetBSD
when installed so it's not too far offtopic :-)]
The home network is a bit short of (cheap) CPU so I was thinking
of adding a 9600 to the mix. Apple produced a 9600/200/mp system
which I missed buying on ebay last week (Zuerich is too far to drive),
so, I was wondering, can one buy a 9600 single processor machine
and put a second processor in it? If so, does one have to use the
200 mhz processors? Or is there something special about the multi
processor boxes?
Thanks in advance!