Subject: Re: HFS partition
To: None <>
From: Makoto Fujiwara <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 02/19/2005 00:02:35
Patrick> I just installed hfsutils on an i386, plugged a mac disk in it, and
Patrick> # ./hmount /dev/wd1a /mnt
Patrick> /dev/wd1a: contains 1 HFS partition
Patrick> ./hmount: /dev/wd1a: not a Macintosh HFS volume (Invalid argument)
I suspect there are two things:
* Regular hfsutils only handles traditional HFS, ( just HFS),
not for HFS+ partition,
* Recent Mac OS X disk utility does not have a choice this
HFS on that menu. The selection has HFS+ only ( other than UFS etc).
If you are OK with formatting that Macintosh Disk,
hformat /dev/rwd1a
will give you simple HFS volumes, but it's not your intention.
Makoto Fujiwara,