Subject: Re: machfb and voodoofb
To: Chris Tribo <>
From: Michael <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 02/18/2005 19:39:21
Hash: SHA1


> Cool! I just gave it a shot. I'm using it now to type this on a virtual
> terminal. Seems to work great on my Beige G3. Only oddity I've noticed
> thus far is that upon my first switch to another VT, when I switched 
> back
> to screen 0 there were weird blocks of different color all over the 
> place.
> I haven't seen it reoccur so maybe it's just something that happens at
> init or the first screen switch. Clearing the screen made it go away 
> and
> it's working fine now. Thanks!
I've seen that too but I don't have the faintest idea what causes it - 
didn't see it in a while though. Looks as if the memory block where I 
store characters and attributes got corrupted somehow. Whatever it is, 
it's not macppc specific but rather machfb ( which is very odd ) - my 
Ultra 10 had it while my S900 using voodoofb ( same functionality, very 
similar code ) doesn't.

But something else - I've read a bit more code and such, maybe I got an 
idea why machfb doesn't like the Rage LT in your PowerBook. If you got 
XFree to work with it ( /should/ just work... ) please send me the 
/var/log/XFree86.0.log - I'd like to see if XFree agrees with machfb 
about memory type and clock frequency. I think machfb gets it wrong, 
the ~30MHz it reports for you is way too low ( should be at least 60 ) 
and that's what it uses to configure wait states and such for the 
blitter. I'll make a debug kernel later, with a more talkative machfb.

have fun
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (Darwin)
