Subject: Re: RAIDframe on macppc?
To: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Timo_Sch=F6ler?= <>
From: John Klos <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 02/14/2005 15:46:27
> looking for a non-x86 server i wonder whether macppc supports booting off a
> RAID1 (via RAIDframe)?
I've tried it, but I cheated on booting - I booted using a CF card (with
an IDE adapter).
> RAIDframe does very well for me on sparc64, an IBM IntelliStation i tried
> today just convinced me for the 1000th time (...) that PeeCees are crap :D
> honestly, i'd welcome another platform besides sparc64 which RAIDframes okay
I decided to not use RAIDframe because when I/O operations would get
queued up, the whole machine would lose responsiveness. Do you have any
way to get around that?