Subject: Re: kernel MCHK trap?
To: Allen Briggs <>
From: John Klos <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 02/10/2005 16:24:50
>> OK. The crash point in net/radix.c:rn_match() is at least plausible.
>> I don't know why the stack looks hosed, though. My initial guess is
>> some kind of memory corruption. My second is that something has
>> corrupted the radix tree.
I've thought about this, and this happened when the ethernet interface was
in promiscuous mode (I was running tcpdump so I could report the DDoS
drones to the network admins).
Something I thought was very strange was that every time I either started
or stopped tcpdump, the whole system completely stopped communicating for
sometimes up to 30 seconds. I wonder if either of these things are related
to the crash...