Subject: Re: Recommendation for Mac hardware wanted
To: None <>
From: Brian Hechinger <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 02/10/2005 15:53:06
On Thu, Feb 10, 2005 at 03:49:01PM -0500, Michael wrote:
> Yeah, but that's mainly because it has SBus with sophisticated DMA 
> engines for everything so the CPU doesn't have to work much to move a 
> lot of data :)

since that's not the CPUs job.  ;)

> But for packet filtering and such a 604e should be way faster.

due to the packets needing to be examined for filtering/NAT, i would
agree, although a faster sparc machine would be even better. ;)

> No idea what's wrong with gnucash, but I guess that's not much of an 
> issue for a firewall box - the improvements in IO and interrupt 
> handling should be a bit more important :)

certainly not an issue for him, and i wholeheartedly recommend -current
for his firewall.  i'm getting tired of rebooting into the 2.0 kernel
just to run gnucash, but i just scored a Beige G3 that i'm going to be
picking up soon and attempting to put OSX on, so soon hopefully it won't
even matter.

"Now you know why I got the everliving hell OUT of Windows administration.
Knowing it doesn't make it any easier.  It's just broken-as-designed."