Subject: Re: whoa... my powerbook just powered off....
To: Niels S. Eliasen <>
From: Allen Briggs <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/31/2005 22:46:52
On Fri, Jan 07, 2005 at 11:42:11PM -0500, Allen Briggs wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 08, 2005 at 01:44:42AM +0100, Niels S. Eliasen wrote:
> > Anyone seen anything like this ? or am I just missing something from
> > the installation-docs??
> In fact, I have seen something like that, but not exactly.
I figured this out a little while ago, and finally found some time to
commit the necessary changes for a fix.
The codes to deal with more current Powerbook batteries ("smart"
batteries) causes some kind of havoc on the older Powerbooks. One
form this havoc took is to just turn off.
So I read some Linux code and added some support to read battery
information on these older powerbooks. This would affect the 2400,
3400, and 3500 (1st-gen G3 PB "Kanga"). There's one little niggle
in that the battery shows just over 100% when charging just before
it hits "full charge".
Turning off apm support would also work, but I'd rather have it fixed.
I also added some code to support the "soft" PCMCIA/Cardbus eject
buttons on this thing.
Use NetBSD!