Subject: Re: snapper: bad dbdma alignment
To: Michael <>
From: Davide Zanon <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/25/2005 15:43:28
> Hello,
> They're not committed as far as I know. But it seems the Mac mini
> hardware is very similar to the iBook G4.
> I made two drivers for hardware sensors found in various iBook G3 and
> G4 models - probably others too. If you want I'll send you a patch with
> the whole thing. All the drivers need to be enabled in kernel config
> and snapper audio didn't really work for me either, the output was
> always distorted and choppy.
Yes, but it's strange that snapper worked perfectly on 2.0 kernels and now it
doesn't, even without the hardware sensors patches...
> No idea what kind of hardware sensor the Mac mini has - if at all -
> just check the properties of the /uni-n/ki2c/fan node in OF, supported
> sensors are ADT7467 and ADM1030
I'll try it on my PowerBook and post the results if it helps...
> have fun
> Michael
Thank you