Subject: Re: do i keep NetBSD on this box?
To: None <>
From: Brian Hechinger <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/24/2005 19:05:56
On Mon, Jan 24, 2005 at 04:31:51PM -0500, Michael wrote:
> >2) Emulate3Buttons doesn't work.
> That's certainly no NetBSD issue - it's one with XFree86. It should 

well, the issue here is running NetBSD.  XFree86 going with that, since
Aqua doesn't yet run on NetBSD.  ;)

> send the event for the middle button when you press both at the same 
> time ( no idea how strict the timing is though ), but don't ask me how 
> to configure it - last time I used it was about 9 years ago for a 
> couple of days, the man page for XF86Config should help.

using xev i never see mouse button 2 come through when i press both.
i see 1 and 3, but never a 2.  it seems like the adb code doesn't know
how to properly deal with this pointing device perhaps?

> The easiest way would probably be to find a cheap USB card and use a 
> standard PCish mouse...

no free PCI slots unfortunately.

> >3) i haven't quite gotten keyboard mappings right.
> xmodmap is your friend - use xev to find out which key code they send, 
> assign the right key symbol using xmodmap. Then store the keymap in 
> some file ( xmodmap -pke ) and load it in your .xinitrc. Yes, XFree86 
> could do a far better job supporting Macintosh hardware ( or wscons, 
> I'm not sure where things go wrong ) but this should be easy to figure 
> out.

i sat down and did exactly that.  the arrow keys (not the keypad stuff)
are still a little funky however.  they seem to work in vi, but like i
said, only Ctrl+Down_Arrow works properly with bbkeys.

in a way, i'm glad that OSX has been a battle to get onto this machine.
you and tim spent a lot of time getting the radeon supported for me, and
i would feel bad dumping it after all that work.

oh, and i forgot one:

4) a web browser that doesn't suck.

dillo is close, but there is a lot it doesn't do yet.  firefox is a
nightmare on NetBSD/macppc.  what other options do i have?  if the
firefox problems are indeed gecko based, that certainly cuts out a
large percentage of the web browsers i can use.

"Now you know why I got the everliving hell OUT of Windows administration.
Knowing it doesn't make it any easier.  It's just broken-as-designed."