Subject: contrast and kdm on powerbook
To: None <>
From: Davide Zanon <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/16/2005 14:22:13
Maybe my message is a bit off-topic, but I hope you won't mind...
Does anyone know how to set Powerbook display contrast? There aren't any
hardware buttons, and I didn't find anything related to the contrast settings
in XFree86 (actually I don't even know whether contrast can be controlled
through X or not...). My display is a bit dead...
And another question:
I have put /usr/pkg/etc/rc.d/kdm in /etc/rc.d and written "kdm=YES"
in /etc/rc.conf, but "xserver dies during startup"...
the only interesting thing I found in /var/log/kdm.log is
Unrecognized option: vt05
Why is X starting with option vt05? what does it mean? not a long time ago i
used to run kdm on 2.0-BETA without this issue...
Thanks to all, bye!